Product Description
1. Monocrystalline diamond, regular crystal shape
2. Complete hexahedron, octahedron
3. Great purity
4. High strength and High toughness
5. High thermal stability and impact resistant ability
6. TI&TTI value reaching the international level
Synthetic diamond grits:
Available type: Completed crystal or crashed grits
Available size: 20/25, 25/30, 30/35, 35/40, 40/45, 45/50, 50/60, 60/70, 70/80, 80/100, 100/120, 120/140,140/170, 170/200, 200/230, 230/270, 270/325, 325/400, 400/500, 500/600, 600/800.
Synthetic diamond is the hardest industrial material. It is characterized as high strength, excellent wearability and thermal stability. Synthetic diamond grit is suitable for making diamond saw blades, circular saws, drill bits, wire saws and milling tools . Also used for high-end grinding tool, hard alloy, stone, ceramic and other hard material grinding.
Types of synthetic diamond:
1. Diamond micron powder: From 0-0.5micron up to 40-60 micron
2. Diamond mesh powder: Grit No.: From 20/25 up to 500/600
3. Coated synthetic diamond: Nickel 30% and 56%, Ti 56% and 30%, Copper.